

Patent is an exclusive right over an innovation, process or design granted by competent authority. Patent rights are granted over a particular territory and for a fixed time period. These rights are granted to the inventor who in turn extends the technology other manufacturing corporations in return of a decided amount or annual royalty. The rationale behind the patent is to provide exclusive monopoly to the inventor to reward his efforts and provide a reasonable time to commercially exploit the same before making it open for people at large.There are four different types of patents i.e. utility patent, plant patent, design patent and provisional patent.  A provisional patent is one which is not certain in details but for which a outline is drawn. A provisional patent is valid for a period of 1 year.

Application drafting and filing in 7-10 days

Free consultation

Protect your innovation

The patent registration process in India involves several crucial steps. First, it is essential to conduct a thorough patent search to determine the novelty of the invention. Then, a patent application must be prepared, including a detailed description, claims, and abstract. The application can be filed either as a provisional or a complete application with the Indian Patent Office (IPO). After filing, the IPO will publish the application in the Official Journal and conduct a substantive examination to assess its patentability. Responding to objections raised by the IPO is important to overcome rejections. If the application passes examination, a patent grant will be issued, providing exclusive rights, legal protection, and market monopoly to the inventor. Patent registration in India is a credible way to protect and monetize inventions, and it is crucial to comply with the Indian Patent Act and Rules throughout the process.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
