Farmer Producer

Farmer Producer Company (FPC)

Farmer Producer Company (FPC) is a corporation incorporated under the provision of Companies Act, 2013. It is one of a kind corporation in India and around worldwide. A FPC can be made by 10 or more farmers by coming together. All member shareholders of a FPC shall be farmer. A Farmer Producer Company is granted multiple endowments by the Central Government.  There shall be a minimum of 5 director on board of every Farmer Producer Company.


Registration in 15-20 days.
Get ready to start with Certificate of Incorporation, PAN, TAN, PTRC, ESIC, EPF and Bank account opening included.
Join the revolution and become a farm entrepreneur.


Farmer is an individual who has 7/12 or Khatoni or katara or any other suitable document confirming ownership of agricultural land. Such individual is required to obtain a farmer certificate from Tehsildar or Agricultural Officer. 

Straight answer – No. A Farmer Producer Organisation is exclusively for farmers. A person who is not a farmer can neither be a Director nor a Member of a  Farmer Producer Organisation

Farmer Producer Organisations are not subject to Income Tax

No, there is no such criteria. The member can be from different states as well as districts. The only condition is that all such members shall be farmers.

Farmer Producer companies are private companies by inherit nature. Thus, cannot go for stock exchange listing. However, they can opt for E-Nam listing.

Yes,,  the Central and state government introduce such grants and schemes from time to time. Current ones are Equity grant scheme and Venture Capital scheme namely.
